News ID: 3033
Publish Date : 25 July 2018 - 15:39

Renault Portable Kindergarten: Dedicated to Kids of Kermanshah Earthquake Stricken Areas

Renault Pars in cooperation with Children’s Right Support association launched the first ever portable kindergarten unique for those victims of earthquake in Kermanshah in order to follow up Renault’s global CSR program.
Khodrocar - The "Portable kindergarten” project started to perform right from today, July 25th. The project is to promote educational and cultural level of those kids living in earthquake stricken areas, far away from any educational tools.

Renault Pars along with Children’s Right Support association have altered and equipped a middle bus to be used as portable educational vehicle. This middle bus travels around and goes to every earthquake stricken village to help local teachers and educators to perform pre-determined educational plans for the kids. The first destination of the portable kindergarten is villages nearby Pol Zahab in Kermanshah.

Renault has started its global CSR program since 2004. These activities consist of protection of environment, sex equality, cultural and educational improvement etc. Renault tried to picture its self as a successful car maker and an effective factor in social fields, running such campaigns around the world.